Friday, June 8, 2012

Mid Ohio Valley Sports Hall of Fame Induction Memories

Running Update:

Wednesday:  What better way to get over your slump than run till you just decides to turn around?  It was National Running Day….so I got home and easily got into my house (since we fixed the lock situation) J… laced up my shoes….and decided I’d run further down the road and turn around point then I have yet.  So as Forrest Gump would say…”I just kept running”…..  (However I didn’t run as far as him)…but I will J  I ran a few little turns in the road further than I have before…turned around….and even decided to run the flat loop before heading back up the hill….  Today’s run was probably 9-9 1/2 miles (give or take a little)
Thursday: I ran about 5 miles this evening, however I lost track of about 2 of those…somehow I must have been in a trance of thought because when I got to the turnaround point I’d assumed I would turn at I really had forgotten how I got there.  I wish I could say I ran record timing in that little straight stretch…but I don’t think that was the case J  I’ve been researching some apps I may be able to use as a GPS tracking/training for compatible with my Blackberry to become a little bit more “tech savvy” in my training. (Yes I know I’m outdated and need to get with it) J  Any recommendations would be great!  I’m thinking that may help change things up a little bit and start to push me now that my mileage base is getting settled.

Tomorrow marks a ceremony that dad was a part of 2 years ago.  I have seen several articles in the paper recently highlighting the upcoming Mid Ohio Valley Hall of Fame Induction Banquet and it makes me smile to know that 2 years ago dad had such a wonderful turn out of supporters show up to watch him be inducted.   Ritchie County had several tables filled showing their support thanks to a lot of help from Kathy Carpenter. 
For those of you who want to see a little view of dad’s induction speech, you can click on the link below.
Dad’s speaking abilities (if any) have been limited due to the effects of Parkinson’s, so you can see my mom here giving the speech.  We look to celebrate that day as it was a great day for dad, and one we know means a lot to him.  Always find the moments to celebrate as it’s too easy to find the moments to bring us down. 
This is just another thing to show just how much dad means to not only me, but, my sisters, my mom, my extended family, his athletes, and more…. knowing the lives my dad has influenced that continue to remember and do great things because he chose to invest his time in their life.
The Family With Dad
Dad with Coach Dave Mossor

Me and Dad

Dad Receiving the Award

Dad with Aly and Kathy Carpenter

Phyllis Haught and Clinton Hardman

Family at the revealing of plaques at the Mall
Angie and Brittany Sellers

Ritchie County Rebels :)

For those keeping up with the Fundraising Friday News…here is your update: 
We’ve had a little bit of a sluggish time as for the donations amount increase…BUT….I’ve been a little in and out with things that is part to blame.  I’ve been working on the organizational part of some ideas…so I know when those happen we’ll have some bigger bumps in amounts J  Let's set a goal to be at $3,500 by the end of this month!  To be at the $10,000 goal by November we'll need to get some events together to help. :)
Fundraising News:
I've been told several times as another goal for our Dollars for Dad project is to get $1 from every county in who's up for it :) WV has 55 counties I also know which counties we have covered so far from my for WV Pride I think we can do that as well. 

Does anyone want to be in charge of this project? :)  I have always said I need to learn to be a better delegator  :)

The states we have represented and donations arrived so far are (It keeps growing!):
Please note also I am still finalizing where some of the online donation people are “Located” to show representation of their location for this project.

(Also please note Canada has been represented) :)

  • West Virginia- Counties of (Wood, Raleigh, Boone, Ritchie, Jackson, Marshall, Doddridge)
  • Connecticut
  • Alaska
  • Hawaii
  • Colorado
  • Ohio
  • PA
  • Virginia
  • Vermont (thakn you for the decorated envelope) :)
  • California
  • Pennsylvania
  • North Carolina
  • New Jersey
  • Michigan (We met a Faily on our Amish Country trip and after telling them what we are doing they donated)

The address to mail Dollars for Dad Project is:
Team Spangler
Attention: Missy Spangler
P.O. Box 403
Ripley, WV 25271 

Our Team Fox Official Website Has Donations as of now for: $2,579.84 

We are a little over a quarter of our way to our Goal of $10,000!!! We can do this!

The Website for it is (You can click on this link directly and donate via online):

I will be submitting Dollars for Dad funds & Greeting Cards once we get in $50 increments or after specific events.

We are planning a Scrapbooking Crop in Charleston as a fundraiser with my cousin that will be held in Early October.  I’ll have more details on that soon.
If anyone would like a “Pennies for Parkinson’s” coin jar to display to have people drop in their change, just let me know and I’ll arrange to get you some we are making. Every penny counts!
If you are running the Parkersburg Half Marathon or 2 mile, send me a note at I will add you to a list to update you on any plans we have to do for the day and as a “Team”.
If you would like to write a check and mail it directly to the Team Fox Please Email me at: and I will email you a form you can use.

 So there is your Friday Fundraising Update J   Thank you too ALL those who have messaged me with projects you are working on to help, comments, goals, suggestions, and so forth.  This is my way of feeling connected with trying to make all of this better…and know how much
We appreciate it!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”

Alright…I’m sitting here feeling guilty for my semi-rant yesterday and the negative-ness revolved around it (Yes I know some things could always be worse, but some days I find myself just wanting to be grumpy I suppose).  Apparently God wanted to entertain me a little bit and make me “think” about things…so after visiting my Grandparents in Charleston we came home to a house we were locked out of for several hours until a Locksmith was able to get us in J  The spring in our doorknob had broken loose so the door itself wouldn’t operate.  By coincidence too our neighbors had driven by to drop off some no-bake cookies (don’t tell dad because it’s quite possible they won’t make it long enough to share) J and it was nice to have company while we “waited the storm out” to re-enter our home.

I somewhat caught myself off-guard upon walking back into the house and showing my neighbors a few things we got in the Amish Country a frame I had on our mantel with the quote “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain” I suppose it was a little bit of a slap in my face for my “bad attitude” J 
I did hear from my “mentor” for the Team Fox “team” who has ran the NYC marathon 3 times, and training for a triathlon for Team Fox now….her father also has Parkinson’s so I’m really looking forward to exchanging training suggestions, ideas, and having someone so similar to work/talk with.
I had to “blog” today…as it’s National Running Day! Info Website:  So I’m looking forward to going home (and getting into my house) J…lacing up my shoes and going for a long run to get back on track J  If you have a chance today… might make you feel better ….go out even if it’s for not very long…but run to feel a part of something! J

If you’d like a fun project…I’ve become “twitter friends” with a new program/app called Charity Miles…if you have an Android or iPhone you should really check out this app. Their website info is:  (I’m debating upgrading my phone just to get it)…you can download the app for FREE…choose a charity…and they give you so much $ per mile walked, ran, biked to the Charity of your choice. (Bikers earn 10¢ per mile; walkers and runners earn 25¢ per mile, all up to our initial $1,000,000 sponsorship pool.) Team Fox is a top 10 on their site which of course I’m biased too…BUT you can choose whatever you’d like!  It’s an easy way to get movin’ and make a difference!
Also…if anyone wants a “TEAM FOX” sticker to show your support let me know!  I just got some from Team Fox and I can mail you some!  I’m going to stick them on lots of things I send out.  I have a friend working on Team Spangler’s logo to do some T-shirts, Tanks, and Window Decals for us to take orders on so we can tackle running race season as a team J  Just email me: if you’d like some stickers.  Also…you can stick them on a jar to help promote “Pennies…loose change” for Parkinson’s….I have a bank who will count the coins for us and write a check to the foundation on our team’s behalf.
I suppose I should sign off today with a typical “team huddle” to kick off National Running Day and motivate us to do something! J

(This picture is prior to the state meet my senior year…I will call out Meghan Walker as to motivating us so much to make us cry prior to the race! Haha….  I think dad shouted “There’s no crying in cross country) or something to make us stop being "girls" :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

“The Journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step”

“The Journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step” – Confucius   I think of that quote often in the worlds of running, although I’m certain it has a more in depth meaning then the obvious world of running.  I’m not certain how many steps it will take to complete the marathon but I am certain I will lose track counting during the race, probably so within the first block.  I reflect on this quote for this particular journey due to what these steps mean to me and what these steps are for. The journey to find a cure will be so far from 1000 miles but with every mile meaning something….we’re bound to get somewhere. I’ve found myself in a little bit of a slump which I’m struggling for what reason I don’t know when it’s come to running the last few days.  A few miles into the run I seem to be fine…but those first few steps have taken a little bit more of a push to get going than usual.  I woke up this morning telling myself to get over whatever it is and let’s get going again.  (I’m certain that’s dad’s advice as well…) J 

I think sometimes it’s easy to isolate yourself into a "nobody understands" train of thought when in reality there are many others that actually do understand.  I’ve been searching and reading other Team Fox member’s pages, stories, journeys, and events that have inspired me to get over whatever this hump is and make something happen. 

We had taken a little trip last week to the Amish Country and I found myself completely exhausted in the evenings.  I sure hope all the walking around count for something in regards to training. I kept calling mom to update her and dad on everything we did because I know dad loved going to the Amish Country (I’m certain it was for the food…which if you remember in prior blogs is how mom coaxed him into going anywhere) J 

 I need to become more of a morning person again and get some runs in prior to the work day getting started to switch my schedule around a little bit.  I have found myself in a “habit” of the same old routes and routines that I think have made the “same old” runs too normal and need to change it up.

My Running Report to catch up on:

Wednesday:  Ran the typical route on the road (with a few words of encouragement from some of the neighbors checking in along the way)….ran the extra little flat going the other way to total about 6 miles this evening.
Thursday:  We traveled to the Amish country this evening, so we just walked around some in the area and got settled in. 
Friday:  -off-
Saturday: -off-
Sunday:  I think I entered into an “Amish Chocolate Chip Cookie” coma today and literally felt like I had to throw myself off the porch to get moving enough to get my run in.  We’d been doing outside projects to catch up on and finally in the evening got myself together to go running.  I felt like a turtle could have beaten me on today’s run.  I ran about 5 ½ miles this evening.
Monday:  Another little bit of a sluggish start day, but started to feel a little bit better on the way back (most of it being a downhill probably helped with that) but….I had added a little bit to the turnaround point as well as adding the flat part…so got about 7 miles in…with a little bit of a hill workout in afterwards chasing after the dog.  I think he does it on purpose anymore to help me with training.   
Our journeys take us all difference places in life, give us life experiences we may not learn to appreciate until years later, but for each of those experiences it’s what we take from them and allow to make us better people.  Dad gave so much of his “time” to others…. Along with lots of words of advice…so as dad would tell me…quit being a baby and make something happen J 
I had to share a picture from several years back (obviously) of us at the Milam side family reunion (on Dad's mom's side).  Dad’s orneriness obviously comes honestly from Papaw’s facial expression in this picture, and don’t under estimate what Tony is probably about to say that will break us all out in laughter in any given second during this picture J