“Ohhhhh A Christmas Tree!!!!!!!”
“I just like to Smile….smiling is my favorite”
“What’s a Christmas Gram?...I WANT ONE!”
“SANTA….I know him…..I know him!!!!”
If you want me to continue I will….I’m certain I can probably
site the entire movie to you if you’d like J If you don’t yet know, It’s Elf….seriously
the best Christmas Movie of all time.
Which is why also, this moment while running the “Run it Anyway Marathon”
was at the top of my best things to ever happen list J
Christmas is my favorite holiday simply because of the
spirit of Christmas. No, I’m not talking
about the grumpy people at the store…..but the sense of hope and excitement in
kids. It brings out the good in people on
most things because others put others before them and try to make sure others
are taken care of. I ALWAYS tell myself I’m
going to make all these wonderful handmade items I see that I’m inspired by and
then of course a few days before Christmas I’m aggravated I didn’t have time or
find the time to make it “as special” as I’d hoped. So here is to good intentions J
I cannot express how much my dad laughs at Christmas
Vacation movie…I will probably argue that’s the 2nd best Christmas
movie. Most movies are the “heart felt
warming blah blah blah” (Which is fine..I enjoy my Lifetime and Hallmark movies
this time of year)…but Christmas Vacation is hilarious. We all know we have one Cousin Eddy in every
family and you can’t help but laugh.
(Well....you know the famous line here I won't quote to avoid offending anyone by the language) :)
Can I refill your eggnog for you?
Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you
for dead?
I’m looking forward to filling my next few days with more
Christmas movies because I haven’t had enough of them. I can’t wait to stuff myself to the point
where I can’t move at my Grandma Nelson’s house on Christmas Eve and catch up
with everyone. It’s easy to tell
yourself ‘That’s why I run” so I can eat as much as I want. Dad always use to say “I run so I can eat”. He does love his sweets J
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas……and thank you so
much for everything this past year…..and I mean it J