Friday, May 25, 2012

"Choose to be Happy" Fundraising Friday Update

Tuesday:  What a great evening to just run,  the weather was absolutely beautiful, and I can’t say I can complain about anything bothering me J I extended the usual turn around point and got in about 6 ½ miles. 
***Today was a little milestone in regards to donation levels as we received a donation that pushed us to being officially a quarter of the way to our big goal we set, and its only May…..Thank you to all those who have followed, jumped in, and kept up with this journey….We’ve got lots of strides ahead of us to keep this going.
Wednesday: I didn’t run this evening, we had some prior plans and trying to keep some rest days for now built in.  We went and visited some neighbors we discovered we'd somewhat knew while running/biking and just had a great time!  It’s amazing the people you meet and their positive spirits are contagious.
Thursday: Last night I set off to run, only to discover loud thunder and some lighting shortly I turned around and headed back home.  The storm never really got to us, so I ran some circles around close to the house just in case so I felt like I did something.  Probably got in 2 miles or so.

Just a little dad update.  It’s a little tough to talk about, but I suppose this is what this blog is all about and the reason for all this.  Dad has had a rough week, between the hardship of being bed ridden and things that come from that at times makes it difficult.  I ask mom several times a day how dad is, but sometimes I still find myself wanting to pretend nothing is wrong.  Kelly and Andy have been able to help a lot being at home and there are days I just ponder, I have no idea how mom does it.  Through the extended “Team Fox” I’ve come across after starting this, being a caregiver is something that comes up often in the discussions of trails and struggles.  I know I’ve reflected on this before, and some days I really have to focus on not being bitter about the situation.  It’s easy to consume myself with the “why” factors but I constantly tell myself whatever the situation is, you just have to make the best out of it.  I hear people complain often about silly things (which is fine), but it quickly brings me back to the realization of “it could always be worse”.  Michael J. Fox was interviewed about Parkinson’s the other night, and his phrase “Choose to be Happy” has a lot of truth to it.  If you have a few minutes watch this video….and keep remembering to Choose to be Happy….what we do today, will make a difference for tomorrow.

Fundraising News:
I've been told several times as another goal for our Dollars for Dad project is to get $1 from every county in who's up for it :) WV has 55 counties I also know which counties we have covered so far from my for WV Pride I think we can do that as well.

The states we have represented and donations arrived so far are (It keeps growing!):
Please note also I am still finalizing where some of the online donation people are “Located” to show representation of their location for this project.
(Also please note Canada has been represented) :)

West Virginia- Counties of (Wood, Raleigh, Boone, Ritchie, Jackson, Marshall)
North Carolina
New Jersey

The address to mail Dollars for Dad Project is:

Team Spangler
Attention: Missy Spangler
P.O. Box 403
Ripley, WV 25271

Our Team Fox Official Website Has Donations as of now for: $2,504.84

We are a quarter of our way to our Goal of $10,000!!!  We can do this!

The Website for it is (You can click on this link directly and donate via online):

Click here for Team Spangler for Team Fox Donation Page

I will be submitting Dollars for Dad funds & Greeting Cards once we get in $50 increments or after specific events.
If anyone would like a “Pennies for Parkinsons” coin jar to display to have people drop in their change, just let me know and I’ll arrange to get you some we are making.  Every penny counts!
If you are running the Parkersburg Half Marathon or 2 mile, send me a note at  I will add you to a list to update you on any plans we have to do for the day and as a “Team”.
If you would like to write a check and mail it directly to the Team Fox Please Email me at: and I will email you a form you can use.

So there is your Friday Fundraising Update J Have a great Memorial Day weekend!  I’m looking forward to the long weekend and being in Ritchie County with the families, friends, farm, eating, 4-wheelers, fishing, and long runs in the country.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rebels Are State Champs!

I know I’m a few days behind a little bit on this update from the weekend’s state track meet excitement but I wanted to share a few things. 

First…the training update. 
Friday: I got about 5 ½ miles on with the typical run on the road. 
Saturday:  I didn’t get a run in due to some other plans, but we did enjoy the day going to Emily’s dance recital and eating ourselves till we couldn’t eat anymore.
Sunday:  If yard work and projects outside count for something I should get a few bonus points and lifting for the day accounted for.  I then ran the flat parts of the road and circled back around a little bit totally about 5 miles.
Monday (Last night)- I wanted to get a little bit more in so I went further than the usual evening turn around spot to try to get the mileage going back up.  On the way home I can’t help but love the fact now that my neighbors have caught onto me running and most wave and several upon passing me say something positive about NYC marathon or even Team Fox.  I’ve made a few pit stops to chat a little bit with some new friends I’ve made as neighbors and it just makes the training a little bit more special and meaningful.  I totaled about 7 miles on this run. I do have to say, I loved running, which usually means a “feel good” day, but it’s nice to not feel sluggish and build the momentum to know you can run the streets of NYC for 26.2 miles.  I tend to reflect a lot of what that day will be.

Knowing Dad is Proud and Happy for the Blue and Grey:
Where I’m from, Ritchie County, they have created a tradition for state championship teams.  Those individuals along with whatever fire trucks can make it go to the county line.  They go to welcome home the state champions along with a parade around what we call the major cities in our small county.  You can keep up with some of the latest happenings through Facebook with our county which I have appreciated during my time of living further away.  It was so great to log into Facebook and see all the updates on the state meet and highlights.  The final result….Ritchie County Boys Track Team was AA 2012 State Track Champs…which causes for a celebration. (thanks Brian for the pictures!)

Waitin' at the County Line

Bring Home The Rebels

 As you’ve learned, dad’s passion for sports ranks high upon his interests, his journey with sports, his students, and athletes emphasize so much about his life.  Dad had a little bit of a rougher weekend, and due to him not being able to get out of bed it poses some challenges to things he’d enjoy most.  Mom knew they usually bring the parade by our house along old route 50, and with her keeping up with where the parade was coming from she knew about what time to expect it.  I had spoken to her on the phone earlier in the evening and she’d updated dad on everything.  Mom turned off dad’s oxygen for a short bit (due to the volume of the machine), and she’d turned off all the TV’s etc, and opened all the windows that she could along with the door closest to dad’s hospital bed.  It wasn’t long after she said she could hear the sirens and see the lights of the firetrucks flashing as they are going by.  (It was after dark at this point) Mom said she didn’t know how else to respond for dad because the blow horn dad has had since his cross country days wouldn’t be heard through the sound of the sirens so mom said she kept flashing the lights on and off to show they were “inside” cheering for them.
I suppose for some that doesn’t seem like a major deal, but those little things mean a lot to dad.  Mom called me right after the parade went by to update me and told me dad got to hear the parade and there was excitement in mom’s voice, which means it made dad smile.  We all know on top of it all, dad loves winning, several of those boys on the high school team dad had in Middle School.   As many of the runners were referred too over the years as “Terry’s Kids”.  (Some of that stems from the poor lady in Wal-Mart on a trip to the state cross country meet that we had convinced upon our stop there that we all ACTUALLY were his kids.  I don’t know how we convinced her but we walked out of that store assured she believed us.)  I’m sure dad expects a full report from you boys as to your split times and so forth J 

Congrats Boys on a State Championship, it’s always a great day to be a rebel….but those days make it just a little bit better! J