Friday, August 9, 2013

What is 26.2 miles?

Well for starters it’s a long ways to run!


I’m not really sure I ever thought I would know the answer to that question.  Midway through the actual marathon around mile 18 I was debating if I would ever know the answer to that question.


Accomplishing something is almost like an addiction.  The last 7 miles of the marathon I’m not going to lie, my legs were non stop spasms, something I’m certain I’ve never felt to that degree before.  I almost hate to admit I walked some (my competitive nature in me cringes just typing that)…but it was either pull something or get through this race.  I realized given about mile 22….this wasn’t a race….for the first time in my life I accepted that.  This was so much more than a race and it wasn’t my mental toughness that got me through this athletic event…it was everything leading up to this point and the reason why I was doing it.  After crossing that finish line of the Vancouver Marathon there was obviously relief that I was finished, but there was that satisfaction of accomplishment and a purpose of not just me but my dad, my fellow Team Fox Family, and the people I’ve come to know along the way. 

I was thinking ok now I’ve done this…it’s off that list I created some time or another of things to do in life…. Instead though....I had this crazy desire (let’s be honest here…it’s pure craziness)….let’s go through all this again!  So….one of my crazier decision in life….Adding another marathon to that list in life and I’m back to NYC (hopefully this time to actually RUN the marathon).


I know I’ve been a little MIA on this blog, and for that I apologize.  I’ve got so much to catch everyone up on, and I’ll get to work on that right away…a little bit at a time of course.


Vancouver was one of the best trips I’ve ever taken. It was beyond beautiful and the company was top notch.  I am certain I had the best support group specialists there as Susie had knew the course better than most and those bikes were pretty fast (which I really should have borrowed for a little while!)  I have to tease, there was a trick to what I thought was the end of the race when Power Bar had a large blow up arch to run through…and the crowds were packed at that point and I was thinking I’M DONE!!!!!!.... (no I wasn’t)….. thankfully Team Fox’s crowd wasn’t too far away from that moment and I heard their cheers to push a little further….that may have been one of the longest straight aways I’ve ran….I never thought I’d get there after thinking I’d surpassed the finish line mentally.

Team Fox Girls Running the Marathon

Several of the “elite” athletes dropped out due to (surprisingly) warm weather (For Vancouver), but for me it was perfect….apparently for them it was too hot or not what they were expecting.  So I can pretend for a little while I could handle it when they couldn’t.  We were lucky for Vancouver weather given the time of year and the warm front…but it made the trip even better!

One thing I wasn’t thinking on which was a little humorous to me was that in Canada (which deep down I knew this, just wasn’t thinking) everything is in kilometers and Celsius.  So during the marathon all the KM were marked and it would buy me some time to side track myself with doing the calculations of how many miles that was (later in the race they had it marked in miles as well).  When people would talk about the temperatures I would be puzzled till I recalled yet again….it’s Celsius…not Fahrenheit.  Susie and Mark even trusted us with their car and at moments I was puzzled at how fast were we actually going!?  (Don’t worry Susie…it wasn’t fast!) 


So…. Now that the NYC Marathon is creeping up FAST…..I reflect on just how awesome of an experience it was and how 5 years ago I really don’t think I’d be where I was with the acceptance of Parkinson’s Disease and what it’s done to our family.  Being bitter isn’t going to make any of it go away, or make it any better….so I will continue to take it in stride, and for now I will focus on that stride getting me to the finish line while making a difference at the same time. 

(Texting everyone that I'm alive and finished) 

And I have to thank Brock for staying on board of a my adventures I come up with.... He's learn to listen well at "what we are doing" instead of me usually asking if its ok :-)  but to my defense..... The landscape scenery isn't all that bad :-)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Orange City Lights...Big City

Orange City Lights…Big City

I’ve always loved to travel….just say the word and I’m working on a way to make it happen J  Team Fox Hosts a MVP Dinner each year in the city that never sleeps….the big apple…you know..New York City!!!! 
With the help of everyone last year and our fundraising level we achieved (which may I remind you was $10,801) we received an invite to this event to be held at Gotham Hall.  At first I was hesitant at going (only because I felt it might be “irresponsible” due to the Vancouver trip coming up quickly)….. BUT….I told mom if she would go I would go (and the help of peer pressure from some of her friends)….  I think it’s important to stay surrounded by this group that have become more like an extended family to us over the past year and surrounded by others who care as much about Parkinsons Disease as we do.
We leave bright and early tomorrow morning to arrive hopefully in time to make the Research Round Table they host with the dinner tomorrow evening at 6:30 (with Yes Michael J. Fox himself there) for those who have asked me J  I watched a video of last year’s dinner (Primarily because I was having a slight girl moment realizing I need to know “what to wear”)  He ended his speech with something that quite frankly brings a few tears to my eyes….  “When leaving tonight look up at the Empire State Building you’ll see our colors up there….and I’ll always keep looking up”…..  For many of you…you may realize that is the title of one of his books….but to many always looking up means so much to where this foundation has gotten all of us.
Here is a link to the video if you'd like to see click... MVP Dinner
You see, in honor of Michael J Fox Foundation and the City of New York (which I’m assuming and hoping it will be the same) the Empire State Building shines “orange” honoring the colors of the foundation…..and it serves as a good reason for us all to keep looking up…..
I hope so much not only for my dad but for so many others we find a cure for this disease, we find a reason, and we find understanding…because there will be a room full of people there that I know now will make that happen and I can’t wait to share the night with them and my mom who has been the biggest fighter for my dad….So NYC watch out…you’ve got a amazing group coming to town!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I Challenge You.......

I challenge you……

I need some help….what’s new right?..... 
I want to truly take advantage of April being Parkinson’s Awareness month….  I feel like I want to slip on my headphones like I use to before a game….a race…click on some crazy fast pace music to round up the motivation and get the blood flowing…. (I think quickly followed though with me was the urge to want to throw up because my nerves would spike….but we’ll leave that part out for this) J  Should I insert a little Rock Theme music here to help get you ready to want to help or can you just play the tune yourself in your head and create the urge to do something?
Ok…just in case you aren’t good at imagining things…..Rocky Theme Music  (Click on the link)
We’ve discussed this many times, but Parkinson’s is a bit of a hidden disease.  Many who have it don’t really know how to talk about, many may live in a quiet world of confusion because they don’t really know where to turn for guidance, help, advice etc. Many “early signs” of Parkinson’s aren't that noticeable so they think it’s ok to hide it for awhile and just “get by”.  I think with us living in a more rural area the diagnoses and cases of Parkinson’s are spread out more…. so the larger cities have that opportunity of support groups or opportunities to seek out for help with the disease a little more with “numbers”.  Many may just need a little info to know they have somewhere to turn to.  This is what I need some help with from you….. Many may work in an office setting, retail location, restaurant, or even have a social media opportunity to help us. 
What if you could just take one day….Just ONE DAY…..and do something just for Parkinson’s Awareness (With the excuse it's Parkinson's Awareness Month)….just to present a connection with Parkinson’s….you know my dad…you know me…you may know someone else.  BUT…… the people I have discovered through this journey who said “I didn’t know anyone else who knew about Parkinson’s so I didn’t know where to turn”….. All because I’ve opened up about it, I’ve talked about it; I’ve made myself visible in the world of Parkinson’s.  That’s what I want us to get out of this….is someone knowing someone else who needs this….needs a reason to fight this…..needs a shoulder to lean on…..needs another Parkinson’s patient to ask questions to…..
                      Needs a reason to NOT GIVE UP….. I’ve met 2 people who said “There isn’t anything I can do….I’ve got Parkinson’s and that’s that”….. You know one of the biggest “side components” of Parkinson’s is depression?..... It’s so easy to be consumed by “what’s coming” it turns into depression….. We’ve been told by so many nurses/doctors etc.  “You’re so lucky your dad is who he is…his sense of humor….his spirit… many people turn slightly hateful, bitter, and depressed”….. You know….. I know I’m lucky….very lucky.
If you’re asking….”But what can I do”….. Ohhhhh I love that question! J 
                Here are some suggestions…..but also please know you can Email me personally to help you pull something together, that’s what I LOVE to do, I Just need to know you want to do it :) My email address is: for anyone who has questions!
·         Host a “Wear Orange Day” for Team Fox…..welcome anyone to wear an article of clothing etc that is orange….donate $1-5 to do so for that day(Something totally easy…but that helps a little bit)  It raises money, it gives you a little opportunity to do a mini explanation of Parkinson’s.
·         Have a morning where people donate a cup of coffee mini donation (Even just $1)…the concept is to give them a reason to do SOMETHING towards the cause.  Have a little 5 minute “coffee break” to explain about things
·         Bring a Brown Bag Lunch Day…donate the $5 you would have maybe spent on lunch maybe going out somewhere
·         If you work in a Restaurant Style Setting……Pick a Day/Week where something associated somehow with Parkinson’s (Orange Cupcakes etc) that So much of something Goes towards the restaurants donation towards our Project….I can help provide you with media/information to have available as well
·         Take up Pennies for Parkinson’s or loose change…..have a little sign with info… include a way for anyone needing/wanting information we can have them contact  

***Something as simple as posting it on your Facebook or twitter pages!

Well…see you get the idea…. I’ve got 1000 more of those ideas so if you want….. Pull together your co-workers and make something happen….. Every $1 TRULY makes a difference.
If you host something you can go directly to our Team Fox Website and submit the donation (list your business name or however you’d like)…. And it’s Tax Deductible (Don’t act like it isn’t 2012 tax season deadline so it’s crossing your mind for this tax year) J
So…. My question is who is up for the challenge?.....  We don’t call ourselves “Team Spangler” for nothing…..    
****I will also Challenge Challenge someone else****
P.S…..I’ll blog more about this later…but Mom and I are heading to NYC on Friday for the Team Fox MVP Dinner we got invited to with other Team Fox Goers…… and I REALLY want to put in a word we are continuing to make big things happen here!!! 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ready....Set...Parkinson's Awareness Month!

Ready….. Set….. It’s Parkinson’s Awareness Month……
For many of us Awareness Month is like every other day that we strive to make a difference in the battle against Parkinson’s…but if someone is going to designate a month to us…I’ll take it!
I’ve met a new (and) great friend through Team Fox who just so happens to be “down the road” in Charleston and hosted the Fox Trot at Capital Market that I’d mentioned earlier in this blog….his goal was $5,000 and ….(prepare yourself)…he is approaching the $15,000 mark from it!!!  I am looking forward to partnering with George and making great things happen for Team Fox here in WV!!!!
We were able to pull together a Team for Team Spangler to participate in the walk and we were surprised by the beautiful day we ended up getting despite the weather that had been called for.  Thank you to ALL those who came out that day and your support!

I am seeking anyone who may want to do just a little “something” this month to help us spread the Parkinson’s Awareness message!.... I can help you organize or get any information you’d like…just let me know. (  If you’d like to have a casual Friday fundraiser where people donate $5 to wear jeans at work….brown bag it to lunch where someone would donate the cost of going out to lunch to help us, etc….or just spread the message of Parkinson’s to reach out to those who may not know where to turn to support…send them my way!  I’ve got a few little speaking engagements coming up to talk about Team Fox highlighting it being awareness month and I’m looking forward to it!  Plus I love to talk, so it works out great!
I haven’t been “satisfied” with my mileage I’ve been able to sneak in to train for the Vancouver Marathon coming up…but I’m going to make it happen!  Feel free to remind me…it isn’t how fast I’m doing it….it’s WHY I’m doing it.  (Thanks to Holli who told me about 10 times during my 14 mile run the other day when I was expressing my discouragement towards myself).  I am extremely excited though for this trip to see a college friend, visit a new place, and get to spend a race day with fellow Team Foxers!
We have some fundraisers planned for later in the year…but our goal is to at least concur the $1000 level amount prior to the Vancouver Marathon on May 5th…..   If you’d like to help somehow here is the direct link… 

The marathon is QUICKLY approaching and we are 31 days away….. So I’m sure my usual panic will be taking over my thoughts soon enough! 

Through the overwhelming feelings I’ve had of things I want to do, and the things I’m ACTUALLY getting done (there is always a big difference)…..I’ve constantly been reminding myself this quote I’ll leave you with today as it pertains to where we continue to go with making a difference in finding a cure……
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
…. (and sometimes that first step is the toughest)……

Friday, March 8, 2013

March Madness

March Madness….

I wrote about it last year…and I’m going to touch on it again…. I’m not sure what “sports season” is more memorable for me with my dad, considering he pretty much was my coach for all of them (minus track season which I considered was my dad/coach break).  Somehow, he still had a lot of opinions for me and he secretly talked to the Coach Haught’s more than I probably know) J
A friend shared some pictures he’d found going through a media stick, and they really brought back some good memories.  (And some NERVOUS ones) from the State Tournament in 2001.  I think I can still feel the need to just want to throw up prior to running out on the Civic Center’s gym floor surrounded by seats filled with our loyal fans.  Looking back…that is one of my best sports memories…ever. 
You never really appreciate a feeling until later in life when you realize just how special it truly was.  I still feel many days I never actually showed how much I as a person appreciated the fan support/special supporters  we had through high school.  It always added to the excitement of the game, and it brings back a tough thing for me to talk about that I think is a reason I’ve hid from it a little bit.  I am a little disappointed in myself for this too.  Flipping through the news channels the other night and the girl’s state tournament coverage was on, I couldn’t help but think it was just yesterday our team was battling in those games.   I think I’m sometimes scared of my feelings I will feel going back to a high school game, and it shouldn’t be how I am. 
I cannot express how many late nights I spent in Ritchie County High School’s gym shooting baskets with dad.  Given a busy day or something, we still had to get the “repetition” in for shooting.  Spending so much time in a place with a person makes is a little difficult to swallow now when you realize just what that time meant to you now looking back. 

I don’t spend as much time as I may type about on here “looking back”…I use a lot of “looking back” moments to justify ways to handle the “now”.  I know a lot of who I am today is because of those moments, and when I’m trying to figure out how to handle a situation I try to evaluate things in the past, the outcome, and maybe how I should alter to get a different outcome now.  You talk a lot about STUFF when shooting 100’s of shots.  I probably try too hard with these 2nd to 5th graders I coach now…trying to get them to embrace understanding more outside the game of basketball J 
I am going to regret sharing this story…as it may be painful for my dad to know I even said this…I made the ref swear to secrecy…  BUT…. My little team lost last weekend…(I know…devastating)… nobody wants to win more than I do…. HOWEVER….  The ref was teasing me about finally losing a game…. And I hesitated and said you know…. (after making him swear he wouldn’t repeat I said this)… We needed to lose that game….We needed to lose….Practices had started to get too “easy”…. They wouldn’t listen to a lot of specifics of things that they needed to work on because “Coach we’ve been winning” (pretty much for 2 years for some on the team)…. These kids were so mad…I heard every excuse in the book why we lost and none of which was their fault (if anyone witnessed the 40 lay-ups that were missed and so forth you’d know why we lost) J….  My kids didn’t know how to lose.  It’s not an easy thing to accept…but it’s just as important to know how to lose…as it is to win.  Tempers were flaring, fits were being thrown, pouting, blaming…. It was rather ugly….and I was a little disappointed.  How do you teach a kid “to lose?”  Who wants to teach a kid to lose?...NOT ME…..
But yet…. We don’t always win in life…nothing will ALWAYS go your way…and at some point it has to be accepted so that when something even more serious doesn’t go your way….you don’t just give up.
I didn’ t really intend for this story to come full circle such as this, but…. Dad had a temperature 2 weekends ago of 105 (yes…you read that correctly)….. He slept for pretty much 2 solid days, wasn’t really eating much of anything if at all… it was truly the weakest moment I’ve ever seen my dad….I left the house with the worst feeling I’ve ever had through this…I’m not even sure if I said a word the entire way home.  How he keeps on fighting I will never truly know.  How he refuses to never give up….I’m not sure no matter how many long runs I reflect and think about things, I will ever know.  I just hope I never lose the desire to be a fighter like my dad.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What are you doing March 16th?

I’m going to avoid apologizing for not keeping up blogging very well J 
..........You’ve heard all my excuses J 
I’ve got lots to share so I’ll try to break it down by each activity so nothing gets lost in the mix…I don’t want this blog entry to be  a sequel to my many novels I’ve previously written…. And it gives me something to talk about (as if that’s ever been a problem) J
I wanted to share a little “Team Spangler” event we are joining in on to help out.  A new found Parkinson’s friend of mine from Charleston in hosting a Walk on March 16th at Charleston’s Capital Market starting at 10am.  I am working on pulling together anyone who would love to join us for this (it’s a 5K) Dogs are welcome (I’m still debating if Smokes will behave)….  But we’d love to have you there!!!  We are asking for $15 a person, $25 if you’d need/want a Team Spangler shirt.  I will handle the registration for our team.. any excess money we may raise I will contribute via our Team Fox Team webpage. 
We’d LOVE to have you join us….he has worked really hard on this event and it’s looking to be great!  Capital Market hosts a Chili event afterwards as well. You can find more detailed information here: Fox Trot (just click on the link)  If you’d like to join us it will be a great day!!!  Just Email me:  I look forward to hearing & seeing you there J
And in case anyone would like to freak out with me about where I should be training wise and my grumpiness towards this winter weather to run in…..
Vancouver is 61 days away….we’ve got this J

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Good, The Bad…and what I perceive as the ugly parts

The Good, The Bad…and what I perceive as the ugly parts

You know, I go through different emotions and thought processes as my family continues this battle against Parkinson’s disease.  When discussing this with others different outlooks always surface that help me as a person handle our own journey with this.  I do know, this disease has opened my perspective as to how I feel and approach many things in life now.  From making the most of each day we are given, not put so many “wishes” on the back burner to do in the future (because it may not be possible)….and to be more attentive to someone else’s struggles that they didn’t have a choice to have.
***Let’s skip back roughly 15-20 years…. I didn’t comprehend how a disease can slowly change and consume a person’s life (as well as their families).  A part of you just assumes there is a pill or treatment for anything now days.  Medicine continues to take leap and bounds every day, at least that’s what our textbooks continue to highlight and promote.  In general, it’s a very solid statement, until you are faced yourself with one of those diseases they just haven’t figured out yet.  I think the influence my dad had on me growing up regarding his constant saying of “no excuses” maybe I took to a little extreme.  When a single pill started to alter my dad’s characteristics, I got grumpy….(now given at the time we didn’t know it was from the pill)… I got mad at the fact of things he was doing….and I remember lashing out one night at him literally screaming “NO EXCUSES” when he kept saying I Just don’t know why I want to do this.  (A “family hard point to talk about” was when this dopamine medication was creating a compulsive tendency towards certain things, later discovered as a side effect of that particular medicine)  The side effects of these “pills” etc were sometimes far worse than the disease itself.  I remember my mom calling when she saw something on the news informing of the studies being done on that medicine and the findings they had discovered.  It was a sense of relief to my mom, because for so long we didn’t understand what was going on.
I’ll be honest…. (Brock always laughs when I say that, because he’ll respond sarcastically Oh good…I hate it when you lie)….  I’ve probably kept this blog post to myself for many reasons….but during yesterday’s run I got to thinking….Just because I’m fighting hard to keep things positive, it doesn’t change reality that sometimes it just plain sucks.  It’s probably important to share the bad with the good so that others when faced upon the harder parts realize its normal or understand others have been there too.  It isn’t always a “GREAT” matter how positive we push to be and maybe we want both…we can’t learn without one and the other.
The Ugly reality….. how it alters others to act.  I may not be speaking in English right now, I’m not even quit sure how to describe this in a professional correct manner without it coming out an inappropriate way.  BUT… there are some people in your life that you expect to act a certain way given certain situations.  We all react to tragedy differently and that’s why I try so hard to understand where some may be coming from, I try to open my perception on why they may be acting a certain way prior to getting upset about it.  I’m not saying I know the right way or wrong way….but I do think there is a better way.  (I’ll be the first to admit for years I just wanted to pretend it wasn’t really happening and to avoid the topic of the disease because it was easier to deal with then to know what was going to happen.   I even refused to educate myself on it at first because I lived in fear of not wanting to know maybe what could happen to my dad)   Over these few years there has been blame placed on different people, harsh words spoken, and downright hatred that has escalated to an unfortunate level of disrespect that isn’t deserved.  I don’t understand why it has to come down to that. 
When nobody else has answers, I suppose that’s when fingers start being pointed….that part I know is a general reaction to anything someone doesn’t know quite what to do so they blame someone else,  that’s human nature I guess.  However, the truth is…everyone is doing everything that they know how to do to the best of their abilities.  There isn’t a way to make any of this easier, no matter if it’s your son, your father, your husband, your friend etc.  I will say in this, my mom has taken on an extreme amount of responsibility over these past several years.  It is heart breaking enough for me to think about all the things I wanted my dad to share with me and be able to stand next to me to do that he won’t be able to do physically.  I know there are things my mom misses being able to do with him every single day....including just being able to exchange words in a conversation.  I know I am only speaking for myself, since this is obviously my blog….. but… I’m trying to put this into words maybe for a sense of dealing with it…so I can move on at least for me.  I’m done with the rumors, the lies, and feeling the urge to want to protect my mom from these accusations.  My mom has handled far more then many others could even think of….she has more on her plate then many do even prior to my dad’s sickness.  I’m tired of things not going perfect for some, and the blame being placed on her. 
I’ve convinced myself sometimes you just have to let go……no matter the relationship this person may be….there are many famous quotes that state surround yourself by positive people, and maybe at the end of day, I have to make that decision for myself and for a few others in my family.  I almost feel as if maybe it’s a selfish decision, but I’m tired of what spirits we do have being a negative focus when the topic comes up.  If anything I will protect my family from this pessimism that has sense spiraled over the last few years and even some recently and put it to better use, we have bigger things to focus on anyway. I try to put others before me as much as I can, and I’m just exhausted at this point of understanding and even allowing myself to get upset/worked up about it.  Christmas came and went for one example without a single word other than “We aren’t celebrating/buying  Christmas this year…which was mentioned in October in my birthday card in fact”…..and to be honest the “cancellation of Christmas” we were told became obvious later on….cancellation of Christmas was for our side of the family. 
Now….there isn’t a need for feeling sorry, this isn’t what this blog post is about…. I’m (and my family) is surrounded by some of the most wonderful people a person could ask for….family relation or not…. and to be honest…what I’ve learned in life (all 30 years now)…it doesn’t matter if someone is related to you by blood…it matters for those who choose to act that way…you get the opportunity to pick who you want in your life, and I’m beyond lucky of who I’m surrounded with that want to be there.  Just know…if your family has altered some because of a difficult situation, you aren’t alone and don’t let it affect the hardships even more…there are many people who’ve been there and understand.
One thing that always amazes me…. Is the uplifting support from complete strangers…. You create this mental concept of who will understand, help, be there etc in hard times.  It’s disappointing when the obvious people don’t do what one may expect ….but what truly makes a difference are the new friends you meet along the way as if they’ve been there all along.  I do believe there are some days when I feel so overwhelmed at wanting a solution, making a difference, and just needing a push in the right direction.... it seems to always arrive at the right time from a friend I’ve met along the way. 
Life isn’t always going to be as picture perfect as we’d like it to be….but I don’t think we would learn from that either.  I’m happy for the struggles we’ve had along the way, because I do think it’s made me a more understanding person and I hope a better one for that matter.  I hope to be a little more stern about who I let effect my spirit, and know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it hadn’t been for those people who were the encouraging supportive ones along the way….most of all….thank you mom and dad…..even during my grumpy/overwhelming stages I know I wouldn’t be who I am today if it hadn’t been for you always being there.
Now....Team huddle....
"Stop complaining and get out there and do something!
(That's exactly what my dad would say to this blog post!) :)
**Team Spangler**

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We’re crossing the border to Vancouver ….

We’re crossing the border to Vancouver ….  That's right Team Spangler is going International :) 

I'm embarassed to admit, but there has been lots going on…and I’ve been TERRIBLE at keeping the blog up….I keep telling myself I want “time” to make a great post, and then I get sidetracked with another project.  Since Vancouver is less than 100 days away I better get back to being more “blogger friendly” and mile runner focused J
So, in case you didn’t know yet…..I’ve officially signed up for the Vancouver Marathon!!!  It’s outside my “comfort zone” of being ready (Training obsession), familiar with the area, etc….but I’ve already got a passport, a friend who lives there, Team Fox involved, so I’m ready to go! (It's also listed as a top 10 Destination Marathon by Forbes)  I am wanting to challenge us this year to be “Coast to Coast”… I’ll be running Vancouver in May….and updates later on NYC In November…I’ll be on the Pacific Ocean and then make my way to the Atlantic J 
So dad, we’ll be coast to coast for you this year J  (Just not running ALL the miles in-between…may have to have some help with an airplane)
I have been trying to get the training back under control, it’s been so hit and miss with this weather and I’ve gotta find a way to be more determined to “get er done” (to throw in a little country slang there).  I hate a treadmill with a passion, but I suppose it’s necessary sometimes.  I somewhat have a fear of falling off the treadmill while running, I just have such a hard time focusing on keeping on the belt, I get sidetracked extremely easy…and how can I multi-task while running on a moving belt I’m afraid to fall of?  I also always feel I’m on mile 10 I’m so board when I’ve barely reached 1 mile point.
The Vancouver Marathon is set for May 5th so we are 96 days out….it seems "far away", but I’m already scared of the 26.2 miles J  I lost a little bit of training ground after the NYC marathon after getting sick, so I’ve been working on feeling that comfort zone of miles again. 
If somehow I come up missing during the race, I’m pretty certain there is a big possibility you can find me enjoying the views from the race route maybe sitting on a bench in the park.  If you want to entertain yourself a little bit (or become a little jealous…well jealous minus the 26.2 miles it will include)….Here is part of the race route that runs along the Pacific Ocean through Stanley Park….

Here is the course of the marathon winding through Vancouver.

Here is the Video Blurb from the official Vancouver Marathon Site …..

 (If that link doesn't work is the direct link BMO Vancouver Marathon 2012 ) 

Now after typing this I feel the need to leave work and go for a run…..I hope this weather sticks out for today.  Keep checking the blog for more updates and stories….I’ve got a lot to catch you up on and a lot to share!  I’ll be sharing info soon of joining the “official” Team Spangler team through Team Fox I registered us for this year.  Also….if anyone wanted to make a donation via the Vancouver Team Fox project here is that website:
Missy Spangler Team Fox Vancouver Marathon Page
(If that doesnt' work the direct link is
(Just click on the link)
I can’t tell you how excited I am for all the Team Spangler things to come this year! 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Looking forward to this Winter "Heat Wave" approaching

     Ohhhh hello winter and cold air….tending to want to forget what cold air will do to ones lungs is something I believe I purposely forget. (I’m sorry but I’m not a fan of WINTER….after Christmas and snow at that time period…I’m over it…bring on Spring, Fall, and Summer)  I made a few excuses as to reasons not to run a few days the wind was blowing and it was FREEZING (at least compared to my cozy warm house)….so I finally kicked myself out of the house on Saturday to get this running thing back in cycle with a 5 mile run….it wasn’t even that cold and I feel like someone stole the wind out of my chest.  I suppose this is that reminder of what a little asthma will do to a person.  I also love what a little bit of a cold/asthma condition etc will do to a competitive person…..

     Call me crazy…but when my “mind control” starts to sneak away and I’m in my daze of just running and random thoughts, I find that I’m talking to myself (hey…that’s normal right?….I probably don’t want to hear your answer)….but I was occasionally telling myself “this cold isn’t a big deal or my lungs feeling the way they do…..I’ll show you”…. How does one literally have an argument with themselves or in this case a cold I mean I hate to admit it but I seriously was talking trash/competitive to a cold?  Is it a competitive battle as to if the cold will win or I’ll conquer it before it gets to me?  Does anyone else go through this?
    Something about running while a little under the weather maybe brings out the weirdest traits or inner voices in you….but then again I don’t have the time to be slacking right now…I already slacked enough to this point to still want to be able to do what I’ve set my mind to do in 2013…..  So hacking or not….Because if this cold knows it or not…I will defeat it J   I just hope those around me will let it slide when I spend the few hours  recovering from the air in my chest and heaviness….if you hear someone hacking/coughing….it’s me…  Looking forward to getting back on a track (seriously)….I get to go home right after work today and take this little husky (who is growing too fast) on a run with me J
One of my cold weather memories is always the "Mid East Meet" we had in high school in 2000....The event was held in Dayton, OH (Weird I know...I'd forgotten till later in time after I lived there awhile I had this meet there)  I should have remembered HOW COLD IT WAS THEN...before I moved there!   It's as cold as we look :)  This was West Virginia's team that year when we ran against Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, PA, and sadly I can't remember if Kentucky ran that year with us or not  However...I do recall the "Hill" that everyone made such a fuss about on this course....It gave any West Virginia runner a good laugh at (it was a man made hill created by dirt they dug up to make a little pond...and we ran up and over it for the race course)......  At the pre-dinner when other teams were complaining about the hill, we thought we'd warmed up on the wrong course that day.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013...Here we come!

2013 Here We Come J

So…everyone is all about resolutions…goals….promises…lists….
All of which I’m pretty sure I’m somewhat obsessed about on a daily basis as it…so therefore the whole “New Year” thing just makes it worse.  (Except I should probably update my blog layout etc to keep it current)…I’ll add that to my “To do List”……  I’ve been debating some serious goal setting for 2013 and some hopeful events we can continue to do for this year.  The battle against Parkinson’s won’t stop until they find a cure….so why should we?  It also isn’t so much everything having to be about the money level we raise….the awareness is so much more to a person searching for peace a mind and support.  One of the greatest things I feel like I got from just last year were a few individuals who found me to discuss Parkinson’s with me that hadn’t even told anyone else yet and was searching for others to understand.  That is what I want to continue to happen because we’ve gotten the word out there that there are others who understand.
I gave dad the picture of mom and I with Michael J. Fox atthe NYC Marathon Team Fox dinner regarding the marathon. He seemed puzzled at first and then laughed when Brock told him He’d have to go Back to the Future for it….  Mom and I have spoken often at how lucky we are regarding disease (not that we are LUCKY)…but….  Depression is something that stems a lot from this disease and it’s so nice to see dad keep his sense of laughing, sense of humor, and still enjoy what is going on around him.  He got the biggest kick laughing at the kids tearing through the wrapping paper.

I want that picture of Michael J Fox along with mom and I to stand for a sense of hope….that he can see it and know there are people everyday battling the same thing he is and working towards a cure.  I also want him reminded of all the other people we have met through this journey that have helped us along the way and better understand this disease.  There have been so many inspirational people we've met in just a year through Team Fox and we want to continue to help and support all of them on behalf of our community and to be an active group representing WV for this. 
As for my continued journey…I’m still finalizing the NYC Marathon details for 2013 to make sure of our ability to have a guaranteed spot even through Charity involvement…and then I think I have another marathon in May we are looking at that will be a fun filled adventure to see an old friend J  I better get to running in these cold temperatures though to keep up the training.  Excuses can be so easy if I don’t hold myself accountable.
We should have the ability to register for 2013 soon via Team Fox and get a Team Spangler set up and I’ll continue to pass along that information….I’ve got a few calls out today as well regarding a few other opportunities we can pursue to raise awareness as well as a few fundraisers to keep the spirit going for 2013.   It’s all about being bigger and better then the year before….so that’s what we’ll be doing in 2013 J
Now…I’m off to go to basketball practice and hopefully sneak in a little run on the little path they just built there before the kids arrive.  Actually I should probably have them run with me so they are borderline tired and may actually listen at the start of practice..we have our first game on Saturday and I'm a little worried :)
Happy New Year and I look forward to hearing some goals from everyone and we hope you can jump in on some Team Spangler activities this year!