Monday, July 23, 2012

Just Being Lost in the Moment

Ryan Hall, on running a marathon: "I don't think about the miles that are coming down the road, I don't think about the mile I'm on right now, I don't think about the miles I've already covered. I think about what I'm doing right now, just being lost in the moment."

What do you do when you’re at a turn-around point with your watching displaying 48 minutes? run 48 minutes back...  (ok actually 44 minutes back) No I didn’t really pick up the speed much; I just got lucky that all my up hills turned to down hills J
I almost forgot how accomplished the long run days can make a person feel.  After my 92 minute run on Saturday I felt a little bit closer to the marathon.  I still have moments where I almost get nervous and overwhelmed already at the thought of it...and today we are still 103 days away.  During the run it can easily consume you with what seems to be a slowly ticking watch....I felt great at the point where I turned around last week knowing I was going further this week, even so not having a clue where the road was going to take me.  At times it can seem overwhelming with what lies ahead of me with a long run, but when I saw this quote above; being lost in the moment is one of the greatest things about a run.  
Reflection of goals, aspirations, dreams, fears, memories can consume me and when my legs start to burn a little bit at the start of a hill I realize my reason for running is so different then it was 10 years ago.  When I ran in high school and college I ran for my team, for the name that was imprinted on a jersey, you never wanted to let your teammates down as we depended on each other to perform well to allow the team to finish even better.  I run now because of the pain of someone else. 
This journey is a remedy of something I’m not so sure on an emotional level is capable of being fully recovered from, but it’s a start.  I run to deal with thoughts I’m not certain how else to deal with, thoughts I’m not certain even if I put into words for someone else that it would even make sense or tell the actual story when the words try to flow together.  I run for the moments I’ll never have again running next to my dad literally wanting to walk but knowing I was stronger than the actual reason to start much of it was in my head, and as I’ve discussed before...that is why I believe that if you truly believe in something, anything is possible.  People always ask me why I’m so optimistic or how I am the way I am when approaching things.....I’ve realized through this...the smallest things that use to consume me because they weren’t wasn’t about being perfect, perfect isn’t a necessity.. things in life it could always be worse than not actually being find a reason to be optimistic..Because even on your worst day, someone else has it worse.
I know in regards to the training side of things, I left you on Thursday.
Thursday I ran 35 minutes...followed by Friday I ran 20 minutes, (we were suppose to take the day off however I feel like my week was switched around a bit I wanted to do an easy 20 just to feel like I did something).  Saturday was the long run I spoke about earlier, and then yesterday was a recovery run (to say the least) where I ran an EASY 38 minutes.  I will be utilizing some ice this evening forcertain. J
Thanks for listening today, as you can see the longer runs sometimes brings a little bit more of a personal touch to things.... dad would say...get over it and let’s get going....
Megan...please know we are thinking of you and your family....and your cross country family will always be here for you and thinking of you....  Whenever you need to smile just think about Dad screaming your name creamed out loud with the background music of the Price is Right :)  We are always here to make you smile!

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