Monday, August 27, 2012

Tired Legs...

Well it’s Monday alright….  I’m beginning to get sleepier and sleepier from the miles logged on the weekend when Monday hits J 
Last week got away from me a little bit with the blogging, so again I’ll criticize myself to stay more on top of it (again). 
Friday night’s highlight should be on the start of Football Season!  (Oh and for a scheduled day off of running but I suppose that’s not important right now) J
Dad could have been found every Friday night in high school on the football field with his #10 Sherman Tide high school football jersey.  As rumors and stories have it touchdown after touchdown being thrown (I suppose I will believe a few of those stories he told us, since I’ve heard them from a few others as well) J 

Dad is on the Far Right #10
This past Saturday I got to spend with dad…Mom had the first Cross Country Meet of the Season; Autumn Classic, so we went to stay with dad.  I could almost feel nervous at the anticipation of getting another season of Cross Country started for them.  Dad had the marathon of “Swamp People” on when we got there so him and Brock were set for the day regarding entertainment.  When mom got back from the meet she got to highlight dad on how all the runners did.  I know he still looks forward to those updates and keeping up with everyone.  
In the earlier evening I set off to run my scheduled 2 hours and 15 minute long run of the week.  Brock stated if I had just started when I initially debated starting I would have been done by then, point proven, I laced up my shoes and decided to try to stay a little close because the weather looked "iffy".  Staying close for over 2 hours was a bit more difficult than I anticipated….Kelly was getting a run in too so I joined her when I was coming back from one of the back roads and looped around a little bit with her to have some company J  I routed back through and ran some roads I hadn’t ran on since high school so it was a nice reminder of things, the WV Country Roads sure make it enjoyable, and I of course noted where all the deer were to report back to dad and Brock.  I debate with myself many things during these long runs; I assume it’s normal to have several conversations with yourself in your head to fill up the time span of 2 hours.  It’s also really random what crossing your mind at times.

There is nothing like coming back exhausted, with the soreness already start to creep in on your legs to a room full of Dad, Brock, and mom stuffing their face with Ice Cream Cones.  They all were laughing too waiting to tell me of the fishing tales that took place while I was gone too. 

See.. dad had a little pond put in on our property a little behind our house.  It’s been there for several years now and when he could…you could always find dad fishing up there when he’d get a few minutes break.  Smokes (the dog) discovered the pond this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed swimming a few laps in it.  Brock decided he’d go for a bit of fishing and quickly caught a little catfish.  He brought it down to the house to show dad, as dad before has asked Brock if the catfish he put in there are still there and how big they were.  We hadn’t had much luck on the catfish side of things there so Brock brought the smaller one to show dad this time.  He went back to fishing and low and behold got another one….this one a bit more “story worth”…  I suppose the one dad put in that should be bigger by now has been discovered.  ( can imagine the dramatic emphasis of detail and lavish fish exaggeration of story details I was told upon the final proof of the picture of the fish)  So I think dad was pretty tickled to see this being brought to the window for him to see that had been in his pond.  (Don’t worry Brock says the picture makes the fish look smaller than it really is…of course…it’s a fisherman’s tale) J

 Sunday was definitely a recovering run day, and I under estimated how warm it was.  I’m kinda lost in the midst of a mind set of summer still here but fall sneaking around the corner with the cooler evenings.  I was supposed to run 40-50 minutes today but somehow that turned into 55 minutes.
Another week of training is in the training logs, and yet I’m still getting nervous at moments that all this is happening too fast and if this 26.2 miles will be as bad as I’m scared it potentially could be J  Right now I hit a wall of doubt around 14 miles…so if I’m correct in hoping I side track myself with 10 miles of sight-seeing….I should be able to just forget the other 2 miles somewhere in the midst of all this and reach the 26 mile mark (the .2 will just have to run itself) J  We’ve got the room booked for the marathon…debating now on driving or flying….so the minor details can continue to fill themselves in J  I know I’ve found myself excited to talk to dad about it and something for us all to look forward to, so I guess now the hard decision of the day …which direction to run J

1 comment:

  1. You'll do great Missy! If I can do it, so can you!!!! Just trust your training. If you get your runs in, your body will be ready. Now the mind...that's something else. =) I'm sure the adrenaline of the race and the sights and sounds of NYC will help keep you distracted for a while.
