Monday, September 10, 2012

Are my legs moving?

Today when my feet hit the floor getting out of bed I wasn’t quite sure if they were going to move or not….it seemed the soreness has settled in overnight and froze all my muscles after the long run yesterday.  Shuffling my feet without much of a stepping motion got me around until things started to loosen back up. 

I am so happy to see Fall here…..the crisp air is a welcome change to some of the hot and humid days we’ve had lately.  I am so looking forward to the fall change of scenery as it’s one of my favorites to enjoy through the runs. 
I’ll back up a little and highlight the weekend….Saturday we spent with dad while mom had a Cross Country meet.  I think I’ve mentioned it before, but mom has been coaching cross country since dad had to retire from it and keeps dad updated on all the latest running news with the kids.  The Rebel cross country team had a great day!  I got a phone call from Holli before mom got home so I always tease between those 2 who get to me first for updates J  Johnny Hogue won the meet for the Rebels!  His time was a good bit faster this year compared to last and race conditions were a little crazier this year.  He must be a rain runner J  The boys finished up 2nd in the meet overall….a lot the middle school kids are coming around learning the new sport to them, and the girls continue to work to improve.  It’s always a great day to be a rebel.
We teased dad a good bit on Saturday when doing a few things.  I kept teasing whenever we’d have to move his legs a few times and knowing it had to hurt him…..I’d respond with a “remember when you told me to suck it up……etc….boy dad it sure is coming back to haunt you now”  J  I’ve said it before…and I’ll say it a million times….Humor is the best medicine…..We’ve learned to laugh and joke about some of the difficult times and how to handle them. 
I ended up post-poning my long run (does that story sound familiar) till Sunday….so I went to run a few of the “country roads” around the house to get a 55 minute run in on Saturday and enjoy the scenery some.  It is funny how easily some childhood memories can sneak into your head when you visually see things you haven’t seen in awhile.  I also felt myself a little bit more startled at dogs barking being in a “new” area again and not knowing the neighbors dogs after last weekend, so lucky all were friendly J

How could you not enjoy this run?
As for Sunday….minus the mental block I had to work my way through I convinced Brock to ride the bike with me for a little while to make a go at this 2 Hour and 45 minute run my training log told me to do.  I don’t know what it is….but these runs get the best of me sometimes with just the anticipation of it….where will I go for that long?....what will I do?....How will I feel?....Can I do it?....somewhere in there I tell myself “Seriously Missy stop being such a baby…what is your problem”…. That obviously is dad’s input J  I think sometimes I Fear doing it by myself….like if I’m miles and miles from home I get bored or something in the midst of the mental pressure you put on yourself.  I’ve always been a thinker…so I’ll consume myself with time…mile pace….distance….pace I run the hill…should I push myself at this point….if I push myself now will I make it the entire run… wonder if I’ll feel this way in the race…wonder what other people are doing training and will I match up to them…..  When I realize I’m partly going nuts and need sidetracked from my own thoughts I realize this might be what people call crazy J  Having someone to chat with or breaking up my thoughts as well as handing me water off and on was a great change of pace (for a lack of the irony of that statement) J  Don’t tell him, but I’m not sure I could have done that run without him getting me through the first 10 miles or so.  That first step of 17/18 miles was a tough one to do. 
I do have to say it made me feel a little better to hear him complain how sore he was from riding the bike and the hills… I’ll regret that statement the next time I try talk him into going J 
I also underestimated the time it would take me to do some of the loops (which I guess is a good thing) but then I had to keep running when mentally I thought I could stop by that point!  Brock by this point drove in the car a few times to check on the time left and I assume to make sure I was still moving J  It did make me laugh when I had to run back up our main road a mile each way…and I passed a little kid I’d probably passed about an hour prior and he asked me if I was lost and remembered where I lived.  I probably appeared a little delirious at that point but told him I only had 2 more minutes and hopefully could finally go home J
I’m certain that is the longest run I’ve done yet in my life….I don’t think we ever snuck up that high in mileage for a single run in high school or college so I’ll take that accomplishment until the 3 hour run creeps in I saw on the training log J  I suppose goals and records are meant to be broken J  So until next Saturday/Sunday….I’ll claim this as my longest run J


1 comment:

  1. When I was training for the marathon and had to do a 15 mile run, I did it over thanksgiving break and I was at my grandparents down near Charleston. I had been running for quite a while when this guy on a motorcycle pulled up and stopped in front of me. I grabbed my pepper spray. He was like...are you from here? and I said kind of. THen he proceeded to tell me that I was running in a bad part of town and he just wanted to make sure I knew that bc he had seen me like 2 hours before too when he was on the way to the gym. I thought that was pretty nice. Sometimes you just have to go to the bad part of town b/c towns here arn't that big and that's a lot of miles. Great JOB on your longest run yet! =)
