Friday, September 7, 2012

"Whether you think you can or can''re Right" -Henry Ford

I started off my day going to You Tube and watching the Team Fox Video….I just felt like I needed to remind myself of some “bigger” things in life and not let the little things get to me too much.  Sometimes the bigger picture is lost in the grass of everyday minor issues.


I shared this video before, but in case you missed it…this helps explain just what Team Fox is All About...if you need a feel better video..give it a click. 

Now onto this running thing….  I made a “girl call” to Dorsey Chevront at On the Run and Walk in Parkersburg….  Basically I said I need orange shoes and told him that was the “girliest” question he’d ever hear me ask J  I am looking to get the orange “sleeves” and orange shoes for the marathon to “match” my team fox gear J  If you have lost track of time….that happens in 57 days/22 hours/13 minutes/22 seconds as I type this (not that I’m counting down). 
I’ve just been logging some miles and minutes this week…I did one of the “tempo” workouts they suggested for the week and rearranged a few runs since I switched up my long run day to Sunday this past weekend.  I keep getting consumed I need more miles…but need to switch up the strength aspect as well.  Yes I know they are both equally important, but the mental game is sometimes a tough battle.
I just wanted to give you a little mini Team Spangler update this week so everyone can start to save the dates if you’d like of a few events coming up.  I received another donation this week I mailed into Team Fox that puts us REALLY close to the $4000 mark, and I’m really excited about that!  I ordered another 100 shirts to have on hand to sell at a few upcoming events, and can still get more in for anyone who wants them…Help us spread Team Spangler everywhere J
This is what we are about....
I received a message from Wyngate Senior Living Community in Parkersburg, who’s “Golden Girls” group has helped us raise money earlier this year wanting to do another event for us!  They have offered to have a “Chili Dinner” event on October 18th at their facility (will confirm times later and exact details…but right now looking around 5pm-7pm)  We will have a few silent auction gift baskets as well.  There will be a DJ to provide some fun.  A big thanks goes to Jeremy Casto with Party Time DJ Services who probably wishes he’d never met me through the chamber and all the things I volunteer him for. J 
We also have information regarding the scrapbooking crop we noted earlier to be set for October 20th in Charleston with help from my cousin Carrie Ford.  If you can sneak away for the day it would be a great day!  You can get more information on it at:
I’m looking forward to the weekend of another long run (even longer then last week) to feel a little bit better about the mileage J  I’ll be in Ritchie County so looking forward to a different route to enjoy and switch things up a bit.  Don’t worry I’ll try to stay clear of dogs J

I’ll end with this quote for the weekend as I’ve thought this a few times randomly this week feeling overwhelmed….    “Whether you think you can or can’t….you’re right”….Can and Can’t change your approach in life….from wishing to doing… So find a way to “can do” something this weekend and change it up a little bit, to make an excuse is easier then doing.

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